Monday 11 January 2016

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Hey Guys,

So today I'm going to be reviewing Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. I'm really excited to review this because I really enjoyed.

This book is fantastic, I love the world and the characters. It took me a while to really understand the world because it's not described really at all at the beginning. During the book more about the world is revealed, and it's really cool.
I can't tell whether this book is high or urban fantasy because the entire world feels magic but it's set in Prague. I love how it's set in Prague, most books are either set in America or England so it was something a bit different. I love Karou and her personality, her back story is touched upon but we never go into extreme depth.

If you haven't read the book then go pick it up and read it. Then come back and click read more to read my spoilery thoughts on this book.

Welcome to the spoilers...
For some unknown reason I really love the fact that Karou has blue hair and is covered in tattoos. I like it because it immediately sets her apart and makes her seem different. I love how she is an art student and that first lesson we experience with her is fantastic.
Kazimir is creepy stalker ex-boyfriend number one. The way he sneaks up on her and starts kissing her neck is really creepy and in her shoes I'd probably have called the cops. We then see him in art class and she uses wishes to make him itch in different places until he leaves, that was funny.
I'm interested about the hierarchy with the wishes and how that works with the limits of the different types. I would like to see how the wishes are obtained.
I already ship Karou and Akiva so hard, they are amazing.
I love the idea of the chimera's and how they are hybrids of different animals, but I had some trouble picturing them in my head as they were described.
I'll admit I did get kind of bored in the back story, Madrigal chapter. I was interested to learn more about the chimera's world but I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't bored. Also, being completely honest, I did skip and skim parts of those chapters. I did get the general gist of what was going on.
I'm interested to see what happens when they meet up with Brimstone again which I'm going to assume they will in the next books.
That's going to be all for today, I'll have another review up hopefully tomorrow as well. I'm sorry this took so long to get up, but it's up now.
I'd love to hear your thoughts about the book

-A xx

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